
Since the first time cancer is diagnosed, create (or ask the person who accompanies you create) a daily record of what is associated with your cancer: doctor diagnosis, examination and laboratory results, the name and dose of medication, therapy that you receive, the diet that you need to do , visits to the doctor / hospital (and for what purposes), all complaints and changes in your circumstances, and all other breast-nipple is not visible even though it is important! One moment you will need this note.

Invite your family or friends when to the doctor, and ask them to record the important issues the doctor said.

Not to wait too long, call one hour before the doctor to make sure your doctor does not come too late.

Sempatkan to the dentist before starting cancer therapy so that you do not have problems in the middle of treatment.

Potonglah short hair before you start chemotherapy that does not fall too much. Even if the fall, does not appear to be.

Be careful. 7-12 days after chemotherapy you easy infection. Keep hygiene and avoid to be near the sick person. If fever, flee to the doctor.